Upon entering the Emoji Mixer Milonga, each person will get a sticky name badge with the following on it:
- A place for your name
- A place for your astrological sign
- Either the first or the last word of a common pair of words
- Various unique emojis numbered 1-7
All tandas will be only two songs and at various times you will be directed to find a dance partner with one of the following criteria:
- Astrological sign matches yours.
- Word or words on their badge combines with yours to form a common word pair. For example, if you had the badge above you would look for a partner who’s badge has the words “and Cream“.
- A specified numbered emoji (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7) exactly matches yours.
In addition there will be several “waterfall” mixers and a mixer where each participant is assigned a secret well known tune which they have walk around singing until they find a partner singing the same song.